torsdag 14 januari 2010

twist and shout.

I dislike waking up this late.
Yes, I am still sleeping long hours.
Lonely I wake up.
Waiting for you to wake up.
I start looking.
I see you.
I smile.
I am not looking around anymore.
Move to the bathroom.
Shave, wash my face.
Locate my smokes, walk 22 steps up. Turn left exit to the so called balcony.
No railings, frightened. Light one up. Amazed by the Manhattan skyline, wonder how it would have been if the twin towers would still have been there.
I go down, turn on the water, I shower.
I get dressed, trying to figure out what coffee I should drink today,
Americano is my final decision, however, not from the deli downstairs, the coffee shop across the street will be closed, across work will be closed, I wont have time to pass by 5th ave. I need a coffee

I twist and shout.
I desire.
I long,
I twist and shout.

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