måndag 9 november 2009

how insane one man can be...

...and still be in power...

"The best way to avoid war is preparing for it," he told military officers during his weekly television and radio programme. via Sky.com

Water is to be cut off in Caracas for up to 48 hours a week from Monday, possibly lasting until next May or June. Power rationing is also starting this week, aiming to reduce national useage by 20 per cent.

Government critics say that, despite Venezuela being flooded by oil wealth in recent years as energy prices rose, persistent under-investment in maintaining and expanding water and electricity networks lies at the root of the problem. They also point to chronic mismanagement, poor planning and even corruption. Furthermore, frozen tariffs have provided no incentive to conserve water or electricity.

Few Venezuelans miss the irony that water and power shortages are occurring in a country that Mr Chávez often boasts has larger oil reserves than Saudi Arabia, as well as one of the biggest river systems in South America, which has been harnessed to build the third-largest hydroelectric dam in the world. via FT.com

The irony continues.

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